New Year, New You! 3 Tips for Healthy Living & Weight Loss

Not sure how to get started with your New Years weight loss resolution? If you need to change your eating habits, our Lake Worth chiropractor Dr. Jack Cacic is here to help.

weight loss in Lake Worth with nutritional counseling.jpgNutritional Counseling Supports Weight Loss

Many weight loss patients can benefit from nutritional counseling. Our nutritional counseling services will integrate healthy eating habits into your daily life, supporting long-term medical weight loss. Chiropractic care is also an important part of healthy living, keeping the body balanced and the spine properly aligned.

Follow these healthy living tips to jump-start your weight loss:

#1: Eat whole foods. Food packed with preservatives, artificial flavors and additives are also filled with salt, sugar and other sneaky sources of extra calories. Skip the processed foods at the grocery store and fill your cart with fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Dont have time to cook a meal from scratch each night? Cook several meals for the week in advance on Sunday; refrigerate or freeze these meals in easy-to-eat portions for a healthy dinner.

#2: Plan your meals in advance. Dont give in to temptation! By planning your meals in advance, you are less likely to make unhealthy last-minute eating choices. For example, if you are going out to a new restaurant with friends, check the menu online and decide what you are going to eat in advance. Prevent mindless munching by asking the server to hold the bread, chips or other snacks. 

#3: Read food labels. You may be surprised by how unhealthy fat-free or low-fat diet foods really are! These foods are often packed with extra sugars, sodium or artificial flavors. These so-called diet foods can spike sugar levels, leaving you hungry and cranky just hours later. If you find yourself hungry between meals, snack on a handful of almonds or enjoy non-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries. These healthy foods are high in lean protein for sustained energy.

Did you resolve to lose weight this year? What healthy habits are you going to incorporate into your diet?


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