Backpack Safety

Back Pack Safety Lake Worth ChiropracticLook around and you may see backpacks on children, teenagers and adults. Whether it is for school, work or recreation, backpacks have become an integral part of our culture. The increasing use of backpacks makes backpack safety a primary concern for everyone. Choosing the correct backpack for your needs can increase comfort and reduce the chance that you may endure an injury from daily use.

Choosing the right Backpack in Lake Worth

When looking for the correct backpack for your needs it is important to consider several options. Many of us underestimate the amount of things we will need throughout the day. Heavy backpacks may cause common issues such as a strained neck as well increased load to the mid and lower back. Choosing a lightweight pack with wide padded shoulder straps, will not only reduce the weight of a heavy backpack, but also distribute the weight of the load across your shoulders allowing a larger area of muscle to bear the weight.

A backpack with a waist strap will center the backpack and restrain it from swinging back and forth. Additionally, a backpack with wheels will allow you to remove the pack and pull the weight around whenever possible.

Chiropractic Care for Your Backpack Injury in Lake Worth

Dr. Cacic and our professional staff at Lake Worth Chiropractic and Fitness will be there to help if an injury from your backpack becomes too much to endure . Regular chiropractic care can help maintain correct alignment of your spine as well as correct poor posture that may contribute to injuries that may be caused while carrying your daily load. In addition, our holistic approach to your pain or backpack injury can encompass more than just adjustments, but can also detail an all-encompassing plan to increase your overall spine and muscular fitness.

Is your backpack the right one for you or do you need some help to prevent a backpack injury?

Chiropractic Care


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9:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
9:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
9:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm