Back to School Backpack TipsBack To school back pack tips for kids in lake worth fl. come to lake worth chiropractic & wellness for adjustments for your kids

Our Lake Worth chiropractor values your family's health. This includes your children. At Lake Worth Chiropractic and Wellness we want your child to head back to school feeling healthy and full of energy. The new school year brings a lot of excitement and typically also brings new clothes and a new backpack. How do you determine if this backpack is ideal for your child and will not lead to back pain?  Our chiropractor has a few tips for you.

  1. Encourage your child to use both straps on the backpack. While this may not be the popular way to carry a bag, your child is tremendously reducing his or her risk for back pain when the pack is worn properly.

  2. Suggest to your child not to bring home every, heavy book. Hopefully, your child does not have homework in every subject and can leave some of the books in the locker. If you see your child bringing the same heavy book home on a daily basis, ask the teacher if you can have a second copy to keep at home.

  3. Teach your child how to pack the backpack to reduce excessive strain on the back. For instance, place larger and heavier items where they will rest against the back and receive the most support. Lighter items such as lunches, gym clothes and music players can go near the front.

  4. Show your child how to lift the backpack and place it on the back with the least amount of strain. Ask your child to stand facing the backpack on the floor. Bend from the knees and place one shoulder strap on at a time. Then, stand up while keeping the back straight.

  5. Purchase a backpack that fits and is comfortable for your child. Find one that has padded shoulder straps and does not sit more than 4 inches below his or her waist.

  6. Visit Dr. Cacic for weekly adjustments to properly position the spine and alleviate discomfort from sitting all day or from playing sports. Call us today to schedule your child's appointment. 

Have you let fashion overrule function when selecting your child's backpack? What was the result?


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