Why You Should See a Tendonitis Chiropractor for Wrist Pain


Here at Lake Worth Chiropractic & Wellness, we see quite a few patients suffering from pain and stiffness in the wrist due to a condition called wrist tendinopathy. Commonly known as tendonitis (or tendinitis), symptoms often include inflammation, tenderness, stiffness and cracking noises when the wrist is flexed. Our tendonitis chiropractor for wrist pain often finds that the claim from those symptoms is usually exacerbated in the morning, possibly from sleeping on the hands or flexing the wrist.

Common Causes of Tendonitis of the Wrist

The most common cause of tendonitis is overuse of the wrist that causes repetitious friction or strain to the tendon. A strained tendon rubs across a bony prominence where the strain or irritation has occurred. Actions that call for repetitive movements of the wrist are typically the culprit for the development of tendonitis of the wrist. Many sports and work related activities tend to heavily contribute to the development of this condition. Degeneration of the tendons, muscles and bones in the wrist can also play a major role in the development and worsen tendonitis.

How a Tendonitis Chiropractor Can Treat Your Condition

Our Tendonitis chiropractor at Lake Worth Chiropractic & Wellness offers several suggestions for those who suffer from tendonitis. Treatments are typically the same whether the condition is caused by degeneration or inflammation. These include:

  • Take it easy on the wrist when symptoms appear, as continuing to use the joint excessively is likely to make the condition worse and it will be harder to effectively treat.
  • Immobilize the wrists by wearing a brace or a splint. This will allow the inflammation to subside and prevent you from exacerbating your injury. We can recommend braces at our office or you can locate them at a local drug store.
  • Use cold therapy to alleviate the pain and swelling when it first begins. Heat therapy may be more beneficial in the later days if your injury is chronic.
  • Our chiropractor can perform extremity adjustments to help alleviate the tendon from rubbing across the bony areas of the wrist to give you pain relief and to reduce swelling.

Get Tendonitis Treatment From Our Lake Worth Chiropractor Today!

Call our team at Lake Worth Chiropractic & Wellness at 561-547-2210 to schedule a consultation to discover how we can help your tendonitis symptoms.


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